These Power Rankings are done by a committee of 4 people consisting of:
Analyst and shoutcaster with extensive knowledge of the OCE Scene.
Analyst & Commentator for AussieGamingTV.
Community Coordinator for Throwdown Esports and Rocket League addict.
Director of Public Relations for Rocket League Oceania and budding global Twitch mod.
Weekly Round Up
The giants have been slain! Sand Castle are the first team to have defeated Alpha Sydney in a core vs core game since the middle of February. The 8 week undefeated streak will be hard to beat, who will be the next team to dominate the scene like Alpha Sydney did? The CyberGamer Seagate FireCuda Cup has wrapped up and the teams participating in the finals are Alpha Sydney, Legacy Esports, Corvidae and 1More. Going into the last week of league play for Throwdown this Sunday, with the only team confirmed for the LAN in May is JAM Gaming. There will be 5 teams fighting for 3 spots, if you would like to see all the playoff scenarios yumi_cheeseman goes into detail here.
Tournament Results
JAM Gaming 3 - 0 1More
Corvidae 1 - 3 1More Corvidae 2 - 3 Sand Castle Legacy eSports 3 - 1 Sand Castle Legacy eSports 3 - 1 Masterminds Alpha Sydney 3 - 0 Masterminds Alpha Sydney 3 - 2 Scylla Esports
1. Sand Castle
2. Alpha Sydney
3/4. Alacrity
3/4. B Team
Corvidae DQ - W Scylla Esports
1More 3 - 0 Scylla Esports 1More 0 - 3 Alpha Sydney
Sand Castle 3 - 0 Alpha Sydney
Sand Castle 3 - 1 Masterminds
JAM Gaming 3 - 1 Masterminds
JAM Gaming 1 - 3 Legacy eSports
1. Ironic
2. Aftermind
3/4. Bus Bay Lads
3/4. Surge eSports ESL Monthly
1. Sand Castle
2. Alpha Sydney
3. Scylla Esports
4. Legacy eSports CyberGame Seagate FireCuda Cup Week 7
1More 3 - 1 Scylla Esports
Corvidae 3 - 0 Sand Castle
Legacy eSports 3 - 2 Alpha Sydney Masterminds W - FF The Rejects * RLO A's did not run this week.
News from around the region
* SamWats steps down from White Cloud, and they add Macca as core.

1 - Alpha Sydney
Drippay, Torsos, Jake, ENiGMA | Nil movement
Well, well, well. Alpha Sydney have suffered their first losses as a core in 8 whole huge amazingly long weeks! Sand Castle were the team who finally managed to knock Alpha Sydney off the throne, with a clean 3-0 in the RLCS League Play as well as a sub vs sub match in the ESL Weekly, taking it out 4-3. Even with such amazing performances it still hasn’t been enough to knock Alpha Sydney off their top spot, but it definitely shows other teams in Oceania are in with a chance against what can only be described as the current kings. - Nutterres

2 - Sand Castle
Dumbo, SnarfSnarf, Aoe_emp, Kia | + 1
Sand Castle had a fantastic week, shocking everyone by breaking the almost 2 month win streak of Alpha Sydney with a 3-0 sweep in Throwdown, putting them in a solid position to make the Finals. They also won the ESL Go4RL Monthly Final convincingly. They had a big hiccup though by losing 0-3 to Corvidae in the CG FireCuda Cup in a do or die match for the last spot in the finals. That wasn't enough though to stop them from being 2nd on the PR as the incredible performances outweighed the inconsistency. - Tibore

3 - JAM Gaming
MontyConnor, Bango, Express | - 1
JAM Gaming slip down to 3rd position this week, thanks only to Sand Castle being the ‘giant slayers’ and these boys struggling against a resistant Legacy side. Strong wins over 1More and Masterminds still keeps JAM in with a shot at the RLCS LAN but will require wins over Alpha Sydney and Corvidae come this weekend to really guarantee themselves a chance. With Alpha Sydney having finally taken a loss, maybe JAM have a chance to take them down and really change the fate of the RLCS Ladder. - Nutterres

4 - Legacy eSports
Soma, Eren, GroovyGrape, Penor | + 2
Are we back to seeing the Legacy of last year? They jump 2 spots to 4th on the back of an incredible week going 3-0 in their Throwdown matches on the weekend. They took all 3 games 3-1 against Sand Castle, Masterminds and JAM. That wasn't all though as they reverse swept Alpha Sydney in the last week of the CG FireCuda Cup to destroy their perfect record. This team is looking strong again and showing determination to come back in series as well. Only good signs from Legacy this week, I am excited for what they could bring out for the last week of Throwdown, where a win against 1More will take them to the Finals and the FireCuda Cup Finals. - Tibore

5 - 1More
Cyrix, Shadey, Ellusive, Zest | - 1
1More have been cruising in the number 4 spot for the entire year now. Having only been out of number 3 once. They drop on the back of powerful performances from other teams in the region. Interestingly, and excitingly, the current top 4 have been taking turns beating each other, and only 1More was not able to put up a performance to match, with Legacy beating them and taking their spot, as well as losses to JAM, Alpha Sydney and Alacrity, this Sunday is going to be the time for them to step up, as they need a win against Legacy to be able to make the Throwdown Finals. - yumi_cheeseman

6 - Corvidae
Siki, Daze, Plitz, SSteve | - 1
Despite making the Finals for ESL Champs at IEM and the CG FireCuda Cup, they find themselves almost out of contention for Throwdown needing a miracle to make top 4. They were traveling so well, just their Throwdown results hurting them at the moment on the PR. Their fast paced aggressive style can contribute to their inconsistency, but when it's on, it's ON. When playing well it's a delight to watch, when even a little off it can be a mess. Confidence and momentum are the key to this style. Will they be able to find it in their finals matches? - Tibore

7 - Scylla Esports
C.J.M, Daisu, Luis, PanzerShrek, Outlast | Nil movement
Scylla. They took Alpha Sydney to a game 5 in RLCS League Play, but as well as they played, they just couldn’t take them down with a close loss in the series 3-2. Standout performances from Outlast kept Scylla in with a chance and combined with more wins over Legacy and Masterminds means they sit in a comfortable 7th spot. If they want to rise higher they can easily do it, but have to be challenging the likes of JAM and Sand Castle to really prove their worth. - Nutterres

8 - Masterminds
Kamii, Nerd, Requiem, Seniaz | Nil movement
The Masterminds team received their first League play win this week as Reject’s have stepped out of the CyberGamer tournament. Unfortunately, while they’ve been great at qualifying for the big leagues they haven’t been able to translate that into too many wins within them, as they seem to play best in clutch situations. They have stuck in there and have undoubtedly gotten better over time together though. Outside of The Rejects, they didn't manage to get a win this week unfortunately, but did have a very difficult draw in only facing teams above them on the PR. The best result was pushing Scylla to 2-3. There are positive signs coming from Masterminds, but they have to figure out how to convert it into wins against the higher PR teams. - Tibore

9 - B Team
ObeBluee, ZeN, Noizee, Chai | Nil movement
The B Team will retain 9th even without playing as a core this week due to their results from last previous weeks. Also though teams lower than them on the rankings are hardly playing either. The B Team have a lot of potential to grow, right now though they are a chance in tournaments to get some big scalps and should not be taken lightly. - Tibore

10 - Trident Esports
Dreameh, CJCJ, Julz, Madz, SToRMCLoRD | Nil movement
Trident have had a relatively struggling week, keeping themselves on the verge of the top 10, but keeping some close results against Sand Castle and picking up a game against 1More. Sadly they weren’t able to pick up any big wins but assuming they got the chance, could definitely be a challenge for teams like Scylla and Masterminds. The key for this team is going to be keeping their core strong and avoiding too many games played without their main members. If they can put up some strong results they could definitely be the kind of team to replace The Rejects in next season's leagues. - Nutterres
Teams to watch:
Nutterres: Alacrity
Tibore: Legacy
yumi_cheeseman: Alacrity
n0lsk1: Alacrity
Here's how the committee ranked the top 15: