We are proud to announce The Gauntlet will be returning in partnership with Gamer Aid Australia, in an effort to raise funds for Australian fire relief charities. As many of you already know, Australia has been suffering from a devastating bushfire crisis since September of last year. An estimated 100,000 square km (15.6 million acres) of land have been scorched, coupled with a tragic loss of life.
Whilst we are unable to fight the fires ourselves, we vow to bring the oceanic and international Rocket League community together, in support of the brave men and women who have fought these fires, along with the vast amount of affected wildlife.
This upcoming season of The Gauntlet will be dedicated to raising funds that will be forwarded onto the Rural Fire Services of Australia, as well as the WIRES Wildlife Relief Fund.
The Gauntlet will return with the original week to week format from last season. The Gauntlet will on Thursday nights, with The Glove on Tuesday nights and the RLO 3v3 on Saturday, acting as the weekly qualifier. We have more info coming very soon, including the ways in which you can show your support and donate towards the fundraiser. Stay tuned!