The return of the Oceanic Draft League was announced late on Wednesday night, this time with a new format, 3 skill divisions, and a new broadcast destination.
To add to all the exciting news surrounding the Draft League, 16 Organizations have now been confirmed to represent teams in the Oceanic Draft League.
- Ground Zero Gaming - https://twitter.com/GroundZeroOCE
- MKAU - https://twitter.com/MKAUGaming
- Bandits Esc - https://twitter.com/BanditsESC
- 1NE Esports - https://twitter.com/1NEeSports
- MKAU - https://twitter.com/MComESC
- Panic Esports - https://twitter.com/PanicESC
- Dumb Luck Esports - https://twitter.com/DumbLuckEsports
- Neptune Esports - https://twitter.com/NeptuneESC
- Adapt - https://twitter.com/AdaptRL
- Team Impact - https://twitter.com/TeamImpact_GGs
- SKRIMZWORLD - https://twitter.com/skrimzworld
- BitSec Esports - https://twitter.com/BitsecEsports
- Brainstorm Esports - https://twitter.com/ESPBrainstorm
- BlackHawk Gaming - https://twitter.com/BlackHawkG19755
Draft Day Up Next! Now that the organizations have been announced, next up is Draft Day!
The order of the Draft will be drawn on the 8th of June and Draft Day will be on the following Sunday, the 11th of June.
Sign-ups are still open! Sign-ups are still open to players wanting to compete in this season of the Oceanic Draft League. Don't miss your chance to play! Sign-up here.
ODL League Play kicks off on the 18th of June with all the action being covered on the RLO Channel (A-Stream) and ODL Channel (B-Stream).