Earlier today Rocket League Oceania announced our first giveaway.
The giveaway is targeted at Rocket League players in hopes to get them more involved with the community.
The giveaway features a number of in game items, valued close to $20.
- Guardian Slipstream - Certified Black Market Decal
- Dark Matter - Import Rocket Trail
- Dominus GT - Import Car Body
- 5x CC4 Crates To enter go here: http://bit.ly/RLOGVA1
This giveaway is the first of many in an ongoing circuit of varying giveaways aimed at increased the active involvement within the Oceanic Rocket League Community. Not only that but from time to time we'll also be running raffle fundraisers towards some of our favourite charities including, The ANZAC Appeal, The Starlight Foundation, and Movember. For the minute, in game items included in giveaways are donated from members within the community. If you wish to donate some of your items, contact us at admin@rocketleagueoce.com In the majority of these giveaways, we'll be including specifically Rocket League related items, in order to avoid generating a false following as much as possible.
More info on the giveaway circuit and it's multitude of purposes.